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Meet a Play Ranger: Brian Summers

Man on a playground swing being pushed by a young boy

Why did you decide to become a Play Ranger?  

I decided to become a Play Ranger because I was looking for an opportunity to volunteer with children and serve my community after moving here from Atlanta last year. Before I moved here, I had been volunteering with an organization called the Atlanta Mission, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with their afterschool programs. Once I moved here, I knew I wanted to continue volunteering and so I started searching for a similar opportunity. Once I heard about Playtime, I knew this organization was the best fit for me.  

I really appreciate Playtime's focus on the power of play. It's hard to understate how important play is in teaching lessons, fostering resilience, and building positive relationships that these children will carry with them for the rest of their lives. It sounds silly, but play really is that important for kids (and adults too!). 

How has your Play Ranger experience been so far? 

My experience has been wonderful! I've said this to many of my friends before, but the work I do in my volunteering is more meaningful to me than any professional accomplishment I have achieved. Can working with children be difficult? Absolutely. It's tiring work. But the joy, laughs, and love make it worth it. 

“[A boy] asked me, 'Why are you a nice man?' It was a genuine question. But it really illuminates why the work Playtime does is so important. We all deserve to live in a world where kindness is the norm. We might not be able to change the world, but we can change lives - that's a start!”

Do you think it’s important to be a male Play Ranger, since it’s mostly women who volunteer/work with children? 

I believe that we all ought to serve in whatever capacity we can. With that said, if you are a male and have the aptitude to work with kids - you are needed in this space. I have volunteered or worked with kids in some capacity for nearly 10 years. I can count on my two hands the number of males I have worked with. We have a glaring shortage of male role models. I think it's important for young boys in particular to have role models that are kind, respectful, and loving towards others so they can aspire to be the same. As someone who did not always have a direct male role model to go to in my house growing up - I know firsthand how important it was for me to have male role models outside of the house that I looked up to and enjoyed being around. Now, I try my best to pay it forward, and I would encourage you to do the same. 

Do you have a favorite Playtime memory or anecdote that made an impact on you? 

I have several memories that have stuck with me (including getting to watch the eclipse during one of my volunteer sessions), but the memory that has stuck with me the most is something that directly ties into my previous answer. It was my first day volunteering at one of the site locations, and I had been engaging in an activity with a little boy. Out of the blue, he randomly asked me, "Why are you a nice man?" It was a genuine question. But it really illuminates why the work Playtime does is so important. We all deserve to live in a world where kindness is the norm. We might not be able to change the world, but we can change lives - that's a start! 

What would you tell someone who is interested in becoming a Play Ranger, but is on the fence about it? 

I would tell them "What are you waiting for - do it!!!" If you can spare a couple hours a week, I'd highly encourage you to sign up for an orientation program to see what might fit your schedule! You'll be hard pressed to find a more positive way to spend those couple of hours. It can be a lot at times - volunteering on top of what is already a busy schedule. But once you start, you're going to find a way to make it work with your schedule because it is so, so worth your time. Everyone at Playtime is great and super accommodating - they're just happy to see people who want to help. If you're on the fence about volunteering with Playtime, take a chance and try it out - you never know how it might change your life. 

Are you interested in becoming a Play Ranger like Brian, or volunteering in another capacity? Join a Volunteer Orientation/Play Ranger Training by signing up at